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Dangerous Toy Injury / Toy Defect Lawyer in Beaumont Serving Clients Throughout Texas

Helping Texas Kids Injured by Defective & Dangerous Toys

The law requires that a product meets the ordinary, safe expectations of the user or consumer.  This is especially true with products marketed to kids.  We cannot monitor our children every waking moment, so we must be able to trust that the products we bring into our home are safe for our children to use.  Each year, however, thousands of children are injured due to design flaws, marketing defects, improper safety warnings, or willful misrepresentation of a product. Liability for a defect may lie at any point along the distribution chain, from the manufacturer to the retailer.  Gilbert Adams Law Offices is respected by our peers as a firm capable of locating ALL liable parties in order to hold the right parties responsible for harming you or your loved ones.

Experienced Personal Injury Professionals Holding Toy Manufacturers Responsible

Defective product claims can be significantly more complicated than the typical personal injury suit.  It is not enough to show that a person was merely injured by a product; the injured plaintiff (or their representative) must demonstrate that some flaw in the product by design, manufacture or marketing caused the injury.  The dedicated and effective product liability attorneys at Gilbert Adams Law Offices are ready to investigate the circumstances of your child’s injury and build a case for product defect injury.

Our defective toy injury attorneys help injured parties and their families recover after a defective product injury under any and all available theories of liability, including:

  • Design defect. When a product is defective in design, then the product is unsafe for use from the start. The product may be comprised of dangerous parts (such as toys painted with lead paint), the product may be engineered such that it falls apart at dangerous times (such as a jungle gym that corrodes and weakens), or the product may be dangerous with particular regard to the target user (such as toys designed for infants and toddlers with small parts that are likely to cause choking).
  • Manufacturing defect. A manufacturing defect can occur even when the product is safe as designed, but there was a flaw in its manufacture.  Some error arises in the manufacturing or distribution process–parts are not secured properly, a piece gets cracked in delivery,   If the product was rendered defective before it leaves the store with the customer, and that defect causes harm to the user, customer or their child, then someone in the manufacturing or distribution process must be held liable.
  • Failure to warn. Texas law assumes that the user would have read any pertinent instructions or warnings, so a manufacturer can be responsible if it fails to provide adequate warnings and instructions for its safe use.    For example, a child’s toy might be safe when assembled but when disassembled the small parts pose a significant choking hazard. The product must include adequate warning so that parents know to keep such toys away from children too young to avoid choking hazards.  Additionally, a manufacturer may be responsible for injuries caused by the foreseeable misuse of a product.  If a product has known dangers, the manufacturer has the responsibility to warn potential consumers.  When they fail to do so, they are liable for any harm caused.

Common Toy Injuries
Children’s toys are often cheaply manufactured with little-to-no oversight or regulation.  Big toy companies look to protect their bottom line, and cutting manufacturing costs is often among their priorities.  Toys, especially if they are manufactured abroad, carry a number of potential dangers.  Common injuries resulting from dangerous and defective toys include:

  • Cuts and lacerations from toys with dangerously sharp edges
  • Choking on small or detachable parts
  • Strangulation by products with ropes or strings
  • Burns caused by products made from flammable materials
  • Illness caused by toys made with dangerous chemicals or toxins such as lead paint

Whatever the nature of the injury, the defective toy injury lawyers at Gilbert Adams Law Offices are ready to hold negligent and reckless toy manufacturers responsible.  You should feel that your children are safe in your home with the toys you bought them.  When toy manufacturers fail to uphold their side of the bargain and put our children at risk, they must be held liable for their actions.

Stop Defective Product Injuries with the Help of Passionate and Experienced Texas Defective Toy Liability Attorneys

Sometimes companies could correct a design flaw or faulty manufacturing process but choose not to because it would hurt their bottom line. Sometimes they ignore potential dangers to the vulnerable groups of people likely to use their product, such as children. Litigation is sometimes the only way to get their attention and force them to make changes for safety’s sake. If your child has been harmed by a defective toy, call the Texas product liability lawyers at Gilbert Adams Law Offices to obtain compensation for you and your family and to help make the world a safer place for every child.

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